Friday, March 05, 2004

Chivalry? I Think It Died.

I was the lucky person this morning who got onto the bus right before the bus driver (or "bus operator" as they are now called) closed the doors. It was a tight squeeze, and I was on the last step, right up against the doors. The man who got on right before me was very solicitous and courteous, asking if I had enough room, etc. I said "yes," because at the time it was true. Besides, I don't take up much room, right?

Well, I guess he took that to mean he no longer had to be solicitous, because he proceeded to turn around, taking up almost all of my space, and open a newspaper. This meant that every time he needed to turn the page, I had to maneuver my head quickly, so as to avoid getting elbowed in the eye. I also had to crane my neck in a not so comfortable position.

And then there was the other guy on the stair above me, with the huge briefcase that was constantly digging into my ribs. The same guy who elbowed me in the nose, and didn't even apologize. I mean, I know I'm kinda little, but I'm not invisible!

What's the point of being courteous and solicitous to a woman, if you're just going to elbow her in the head five minutes later?

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