Monday, February 09, 2004


When you first call a girl, after getting her phone number, DO NOT:
1) Call her cell phone at 10:00 am on a weekday, and wonder why she doesn't have time to chat. Some people have "jobs". They go to these "jobs" during weekdays, and do "work."
2) Respond to her "Hello?" with "Who is this?" You called her, remember?
3) Call her back two times within three hours, simply because she didn't call you when she said she would, and then ask her why she didn't call. Maybe she was trying to gently hint at something...
4) Try to be romantic in your very first conversation. Phrases like "You have a voice I could listen to for hours" are more likely to make her want to hang up quickly than call you again. Or at least, they will if that girl is me.

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