Thursday, February 05, 2004

Brownies, anyone?

Little known fact: back in the day, I was a Brownie. No, no, not that kind. I mean the junior Girl Scout variety. I remember that we had this induction ceremony every year for the poor girls whose parents conned them into joining our troop, and, during one part, we had to stand in a circle, holding hands with our arms crossed, and sing this little song that went something like: Make new friends, but keep the old/ one is silver and the other's gold. It came to my attention last night that, despite the somewhat nauseating rhyme, that little song is actually pretty true. Not in the literal sense of "Your friends are made of precious and semi-precious metals," (although I'm pretty sure at least one of the girls I lived with in college was actually a cyborg), but rather in the sense that hanging on to old friends is pretty fantastic. Life changes, people change, but some people remain just as awesome as they were when you used to hang out in the hallways in junior high. Here's to you, Xander. You rock.

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