Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Vampire Puppets

(Note: This is not the funny post I meant to put up. That post is lost and gone forever.)

I went for a walk with Gila last night, and (not surprisingly) got into a conversation about the various supernatural shows of the WB. In particular (but in no particular order), we discussed the current events, stupid plot moves, inconsistencies, and favorite characters/scenes from Charmed, Buffy, and Angel. Most of the conversation does not need to be recorded here.

However, I was reflecting on one part of the conversation, in which we discussed a recent episode of Angel which involved everyone's favorite dark, brooding vampire getting turned into a cute, fuzzy hand puppet. It was damn funny, particularly when puppet Angel says "I'm made of felt...and my nose comes off!"

However, it's also a little disturbing. What has television come to, when in order to compete with preposterous reality TV, supernatural TV shows have to delve into the "extremely silly and not even remotely possible" realm. A vampire turned puppet, fighting against wicked, nasty soul-stealing demons?

That's about as likely as me being on American Idol.

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